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Bed Bug Prevention

Bed bug infestations most commonly occur after traveling or after bringing used items into your home. Being vigilant when engaging in these behaviors along with knowing the signs of bed bugs can help you prevent an infestation down the road.

Natural remedies for bed bugs prevent and can kill off some of the bed bugs, but are generally not strong enough to tackle an infestation. Prevention methods are key to keeping bed bugs away from your property. It’s also good to know when it’s time to bring in the professionals.

Bed bugs spread easily when traveling from an infested home or property. Keep this in mind whenever you are visiting another place. Check for signs of bed bugs while you travel and detail your suitcase when you return home.

While fleas will use your pets as a host, this is not the case for bed bugs. Bed bugs prefer human hosts and will not likely latch to your pets. Bed bugs will infest pet bedding and other furniture pieces, so make sure to monitor those spaces if bed bugs are suspect.

Bed bugs are capable of infesting even the most well-kept properties! Anyone is unfortunately susceptible to bringing bed bugs into their home. Those who have traveled, live in dorms or apartments, or have brought used furniture, are at a much higher risk. Having the right knowledge can aid in lowering your risk.