Magic Exterminating has provided services for cockroaches since its inception in the 1960s. The four most common roaches are; German, American, Oriental, and Brown-Banded Cockroaches. Each presents their own problems and live in their own environment. Besides mechanically carrying infections such as Salmonella, their feces contaminate furniture, fabrics, and other household items. Cockroaches also contaminate stored food products we eat. They are just gross! Their reproductive cycle is very quick. One female roach carries an egg capsule that contains as many as 40 eggs. Cockroaches can reach adulthood in just a little over a month, which means that in as little as three to four months you can have over 800 cockroaches. Quick action is needed to prevent any escalation in their population. Magic knows where to look for their hiding places and quickly eliminates them.
Cockroaches start life within an egg, which is contained within an egg capsule known as an Ootheca. This egg capsule is about 1/3 of an inch long and will contain as many as 48 eggs in a German Cockroach. Both the American and Oriental cockroaches will contain fewer and take longer to incubate. The German Cockroach will hold onto the egg capsule until the day before it hatches, while the Brown-Banded Cockroach will drop it once it is formed. The German Cockroach egg will take on average about 20 to 30 days from the time it is formed to the time it hatches. Once hatched the young are known as Nymphs. They will go through several growth stages known as instars. In German Cockroaches, it is usually 6 or 7 stages. Nymphs may take as little as 40 days to reach adulthood in German Cockroaches and over six months in both the American and Oriental Cockroaches. Each time the Nymphs emerge from one instar into the next they come out white in color giving the impression that they are albino, but they are not. They will darken in color as the outer bony structure, and the exoskeleton hardens.
Adults German and Brown-Banded are approximately 1/2 to 5/8 inch long. The American and Oriental Cockroaches are 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches long. An adult German Cockroach may live about 1 year, while both the American and Oriental Cockroach lives a lot longer.
All of these roaches are cosmopolitan in North America. The German Cockroach is commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms, while the Brown-Banded will be found in dryer areas such as the living room. The American and Oriental are usually found in dark moist places such as basement boiler rooms. All of these cockroaches will be found periodically in office environments. Since human structures are artificial environments, roaches breed year around. Cockroaches are omnivorous and eat just about anything. In other places around the world, they are now using cockroaches to feed on organic garbage to produce fertilizer.
Like most cockroaches, the German cockroach is nocturnal. Some people can develop severe allergies to cockroach parts, feces, and oils.
Treatment Approach
After Magic’s inspectors confirm the presence of Cockroaches, the technician may use the following techniques:
- In most situations, you should start with a baiting program.
- Applying the bait using should be done with bait applicator into the crack and crevices around the kitchen cabinets. NO BAIT SHOULD BE VISIBLE.
- Applying bait under the kitchen sink and behind all draws.
- As well as under the dishwasher, refrigerator, and under the stove where accessible. THEY DO NOT APPLY INSIDE THE STOVE.
- Applying the bait in the bathroom around the vanity, behind mirrors, etc.
- If other rooms show signs of infestations such as from Brown-Banded Cockroaches, then applying the bait into crack and crevices around moldings, door frames, closet doors, and behind furniture.
- All other areas are done upon consultation with the pest control service manager(s).
- If a liquid application is required. Then preparation needs to be done by emptying all of the kitchen cabinets.
- The first choice should be a non-repellent residual over a repellent. Unless it is required to flushing out the roaches.
- Magic incorporates the use of an IGR (insect growth regulator) in the program.
- Magic personnel follow label directions when using the compressed air sprayer as crack and crevice or spot treatment.
- Caution should be taken around pilot lights and radiators. Heat will vaporize the product and may cause health hazards. A radiator should never be sprayed.
- Aerosol sprayers are good for crack and crevice treatments or as a flushing agent. They are not use them as space sprayers.
- Magic has advance tools that are used as a crack and crevice tool only.
- If dust application is required. Dust should always be use only as cracks and crevices. Dust will give you a long residual.
Magic Exterminating services residential, commercial, industrial, food processing, and food establishment locations throughout the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Western Nassau County areas. This one insect has been making a comeback in the last several years due to the fact it has learned how to avoid the baits (bait aversion). Magic has the experienced personnel to solve a cockroach infestation in your home, workplace, etc.